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Harry G. Preuss, M.D., F.A.C.N., C.N.S.

信息来源:ANH-USA 发布日期:2020年12月29日

摘要:Dr. Preuss received his BA and MD from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and New York City, trained for three years in internal medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center under Dr. David E. Rogers, studied for two years as a fellow in renal physiology at Cornell University Medical Center under Dr. Robert F. Pitts, and spent two years in clinical and research training in nephrology at Georgetown University Medical Center under Dr. George E. Schreiner. During his training years, he was a special research fellow of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Dr. Preuss received his BA and MD from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and New York City, trained for three years in internal medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center under Dr. David E. Rogers, studied for two years as a fellow in renal physiology at Cornell University Medical Center under Dr. Robert F. Pitts, and spent two years in clinical and research training in nephrology at Georgetown University Medical Center under Dr. George E. Schreiner. During his training years, he was a special research fellow of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Following five years as an assistant and associate (tenured) professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center where he became an established investigator of the American Heart Association, he returned to Georgetown Medical Center. He subsequently performed a 6-month sabbatical in molecular biology at the NIH in the laboratories of Dr. Maurice Burg. Dr. Preuss is now a tenured Professor in four departments at Georgetown University Medical Center – Biochemistry, Physiology, Medicine, and Pathology.

His bibliography includes over 240 peer-reviewed, original medical research papers, 200 general medical contributions (chapters, review articles, etc.), seven patents, and more than 260 abstracts. Dr. Preuss has written, edited or co-edited twelve books and three symposia published in well-established journals. He has two recently published books: one co-authored for the lay public entitled The Natural Fat Loss Pharmacy (Broadway Books/Rodale Press) has sold over 150,000 copies. A second co-edited book for the academic community was published entitled Obesity: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Prevention (CRC Press) and received outstanding reviews from the NEJM and JAMA. The second edition has now been published.

In 1976, Dr. Preuss was elected to membership in the American Society for Clinical Investigations and is currently an advisory editor for numerous medical/nutritional journals. His previous government appointments included four years on the Advisory Council for the National Institute on Aging, two years on the Advisory Council for the Director of NIH as representative for the National Institute of Aging, and two years on the Advisory Council for NIH’s Office of Alternative Medicine. He has also served on a variety of peer research review committees for the NIH, the American Heart Association and was recently a member of the National Cholesterol Education Program of the NHLBI and clinical study section JH-07 of the NIH.

Dr. Preuss was elected the ninth Master of the American College of Nutrition (ACN). He is a former chairman of two ACN councils–Cardiovascular/Aging and Dietary Supplements/Functional Foods. After a brief stint on the Board of Directors of the ACN, Dr. Preuss spent three years as secretary-treasurer and three consecutive years as vice president, president-elect, and became president in 1998. In 2008 and 2010, he was twice reelected president of the ACN, the only president-elect to have held this office more than once.

Dr. Preuss is a member of the Board of Directors for the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA) and also served as a member of the ANH’s scientific and Medical collaboration group. Dr. Preuss wrote the nutrition section for the Encyclopedia Americana and is past president of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists (CBNS) that awarded CNS certifications. He served as chairman of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Georgetown University that approves all clinical protocols at the University’s Medical Center for over 20 years.

Dr. Preuss is currently Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for Dr. Preuss has received the Harold Harper Lectureship Award (ACAM), William B. Peck, James Lind, and Bieber Awards for his research and activities in the medical and nutrition fields. His current research, both laboratory and clinical, centers on the use of dietary supplements to favorably influence or even prevent a variety of medical conditions including those related to obesity, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disorders. He is currently studying the ability of many natural products to overcome various infections, including those resistant to antibiotics.

His peers voted to award him the coveted Charles E. Ragus Award of the ACN for publishing the best research paper in 2006 and in 2010 received ACN’s 2010 Award for outstanding senior investigator in nutrition. In 2014, he received three Jonathan Emord Awards for his research in the fields of Medicine, Nutrition, and Integrative Medicine and, the same year, received ACN’s Presidential Recognition Award for outstanding service in the field of nutrition.

Preuss博士从康奈尔大学、纽约州伊萨卡和纽约市获得学士和医学博士学位,在David E.Rogers博士领导下的Vanderbilt大学医学中心接受了三年的内科培训,在Robert F.Pitts博士领导下的康奈尔大学医学中心担任了两年的肾脏生理学研究员,并在乔治敦大学医学中心接受了两年的肾脏病临床和研究培训。在他受训期间,他是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的一名特别研究员。



1976年,Preuss博士被选为美国临床研究学会会员,目前是众多医学/营养学杂志的顾问编辑。他之前的政府任命包括在国家老龄研究所咨询委员会任职四年,在国家老龄研究所代表的国家卫生研究院院长咨询委员会任职两年,以及在国家卫生研究院替代医学办公室咨询委员会任职两年。他还曾在美国国家卫生研究院(NIH)的多个同行研究评审委员会、美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)任职,最近他还是NHLBI国家胆固醇教育项目和NIH临床研究部JH-07的成员。



普瑞斯博士目前是科学咨询委员会的主席 Preuss博士因其在医学和营养学领域的研究和活动获得了Harold Harper讲师奖(ACAM)、William B.Peck、James Lind和Bieber奖。他目前的研究,包括实验室和临床研究,都集中在使用膳食补充剂来有利地影响甚至预防各种疾病,包括与肥胖、胰岛素抵抗和心血管疾病有关的疾病。他目前正在研究许多天然产品克服各种感染的能力,包括那些抗抗生素的产品。



引用:美国自然健康联盟(ANH-USA)Alliance for Natural Health - USA (ANH-USA) 

 Harry G. Preuss, M.D., F.A.C.N., C.N.S.

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