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信息来源:chinamaitake 发布日期:2020年12月23日

摘要:ABOUT THE COVER: The Japanese character Mai for dancing It is said that in antiquity those who came upon and consumed maitake mushroom would dance for joy since they would now enjoy good health and longevity.

ABOUT THE COVER: The Japanese character Mai for dancing It is said that in antiquity those who came upon and consumed maitake mushroom would dance for joy since they would now enjoy good health and longevity.

Copyright 2002 Harry Preuss, M.D. Sensuke Konno,PHD All rights reserved. No POrtion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted electronically without authorized consent of the author.

Disclaimer: This information is presented by an independent Ine edical expert whose sources of information include studies from the worlds medical and scientific literature, patient records, and other clinical and anecdotal reports. The material in this book is for informational purposes only and is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of disease. Please visit a medical health professional for specific diagnosis of any ail- ments mentioned or discussed in this material.


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Published by Freedom Press

1801 Chart Trail

Topanga, CA 90290

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FIRST OF ALL, WE ARE GRATEFUL TO ALL THOSE who were involved and participated in this project. We would like to acknowledge the effort of Dr. Preuss' research associates, Bobby Echard, M.T. and Nadeem Talpur M.D. who performed much of our laboratory research. Dr Preuss would also like to express his gratitude to Rich Scheckenbach and Dr. Dallas Clouatre, two formulators who are a rich source of knowledge on dietar ry supplements. We would like to thank the staff of Dr. Konnos department at New York Medical College, including Drs Choudhury, Eshghi, and Tazaki Particularly, their support on clinical studies is greatly appreciated. Also, we must thank the urology residents at New York Medical College who tire- lessly spent their time on clinical and basic science research. We also wish to acknowledge the support of our respective families for supporting our quest to learn about, teach and research natural products To Mr David Steinman, who served as the skillful editor and who played a significant role in the completion of this book. He deserves all credit and we thank him We also wish to thank Ms Naoko Noaki who worked so many hours behind the scenes. We know you were there and thank you. Finally, our special gratitude to our friend and a(successful) business man, Mr. Mike Shirota, who initiated this project and continued to encour- age us until the work was completed. His generous gifts of Grifron D-frac tion and maitake caplets with concomitant funding from Maitake Products, In nC have made our studies possible. Thanks, Mike Now"we"have done it! Once again, we thank you all


版权所有2002  Harry Preuss医学博士,Sensuke Konno博士保留所有权利。未经作者授权同意,不得以电子方式复制或传播本书的任何部分。





1801 Chart Trail

Topanga,CA 90290



首先,我们感谢所有参与这个项目的人。我们要感谢普鲁斯博士的研究助理鲍比·埃查尔德(Bobby Echard)、医学博士和纳德姆·塔尔普尔医学博士(Nadeem Talpur M.D .)所做的努力,他们完成了我们的大部分实验室研究。普鲁斯博士还想对两位配方设计师里奇·舍肯巴赫和达拉斯·克劳特尔博士表示感谢,他们具有膳食补充剂方面的丰富知识。我们要感谢纽约医学院Konnos博士部的工作人员,包括Choudhury博士、Eshghi博士和Tazaki博士,特别感谢他们对临床研究的支持。此外,我们必须感谢纽约医学院的泌尿外科住院医师,他们不厌其烦地将时间花在临床和基础科学研究上。我们还要感谢我们各自家庭的支持,感谢他们支持我们对自然产品的学习、教学和研究,感谢大卫·斯泰因曼先生,他是一位熟练的编辑,在本书的完成过程中发挥了重要作用。他应该得到所有的赞扬,我们感谢他。我们还要感谢野木直子女士,她在幕后工作了这么长时间。最后,我们特别感谢我们的朋友和一位(成功的)商人,迈克·希洛塔先生,他发起了这个项目,并一直鼓励我们,直到工作完成。他在北卡罗来纳州灰树花产品公司的资助下,慷慨捐赠了灰树花D组分和灰树花片,使我们的研究成为可能。谢谢,迈克。现在“我们”做到了!我们再次感谢大家


HARRY G. PREUSS, M.D., M.A. C.N., C.N.S. is a professor of physiology, medicine and pathology at the Georgetown University School of Medicine He has authored over 500 medical articles including more than 170 peer reviewed scientific papers. Dr. Preuss is on the advisory editorial board of seven journals. He has edited four books on aging, nephrology, and/or hypertension and recently authored the best seller, The Prostate Cure. Dr.Preuss is the president of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists (CBNS), the past president of the American College of Nutrition and recent- ly became the ninth Master of the College (MACN). He has been on three National Institutes of Health advisory councils: Executive Directors, Aging and Alternative Medicine and is a former Established Investigator of American Heart Association, as well as an emeritus member of the American Society for Clinical Investigations. He wrote the nutrition section in the Encyclopedia Americana. His major interests lie in the field of aging and manifestations of aging such as obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemias insulin resistance, and how dear interventions and supplements affect the ese processes.

SENSUKE KONNO, PH. D, is an assistant professor and director of ular urology research at the Department of Urology, New York Medical College. He is also an associate editor for the journal Molecular Urology. His research focuses on various urological malignancies such as prosta te can- cer, renal cell carcinoma, bladder cancer, and renal disorders/diseases including acute renal injury/dysfunction, diabetic nephropathy, and kid- ney stones. Specific aims of such studies are to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of these malignancies/disorders and to establish more effec tive therapeutic modalities. Particularly his work on prostate cancer has been well recognized and published in several major urology journals Recently, he has become interested in alternative and complementary med icine and the potential clinical utility of natural remedies such as medicinal mushrooms and natural antioxidants Preclinical, clinical and basic science studies using these natural remedies for urological cancers and renal dis orders are currently in progress.


Harry G. Preuss,医学博士,美国医学科学院院士,美国乔治城大学医学院生理学、医学和病理学教授。他撰写了500多篇医学文章,包括170多篇同行评议的科学论文。普鲁斯博士是七种期刊的顾问编辑委员会成员。他编辑了四本关于衰老、肾病学和/或高血压的书,最近还出版了畅销书《前列腺治疗》。打兰普鲁斯是营养专家认证委员会(CBNS)的主席,美国营养学院的前任主席,最近成为学院的第九任院长(MACN)。他曾在三个美国国立卫生研究院咨询委员会任职:执行董事、老龄化和替代医学,是美国心脏协会的前既定研究员,也是美国临床研究协会的荣誉退休成员。他在美国百科全书中写了营养部分。他的主要兴趣在于衰老领域和衰老的表现,如肥胖、高血压、血脂异常、胰岛素抵抗,以及昂贵的干预和补充剂如何影响这些过程。

Sensuke Konno,哲学博士,纽约医学院泌尿科的助理教授和泌尿学研究主任。他也是《分子泌尿学》杂志的副主编。他的研究侧重于各种泌尿系统恶性肿瘤,如前列腺癌、肾细胞癌、膀胱癌和肾脏疾病/疾病,包括急性肾损伤/功能障碍、糖尿病肾病和肾结石。这些研究的具体目的是阐明潜在的并建立更有效的治疗模式。特别是他在前列腺癌方面的工作已经得到广泛认可,并在几个主要的泌尿学杂志上发表。最近,他对替代和补充药物以及天然药物(如药用蘑菇和天然抗氧化剂)的潜在临床应用感兴趣。使用这些天然药物治疗泌尿系统癌症和肾脏疾病的临床前、临床和基础科学研究正在进行中。

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